We are a family owned nursery in the bay area dedicated to growing a variety of beautiful succulents and cactus. We have 2 locations to serve you:
Retail Store and order pickup in North San Jose, open Sat to Sun 10 am to 3 pm:
1161 Ringwood Ct. Suite 30
San Jose, CA 95131
Directions: https://maps.app.goo.gl/3jfMwThCUhPXHax86
Bulk order pickup only (no retail shopping) in South San Jose by appointment only:
6784 San Felipe Rd.
San Jose,CA 95135
Featured collection
Welcome to Evergreen Farm!
It has been a challenging and exciting journey for our family to grow this succulents business. We hope that growing succulents bring you joy and relaxing time after a long working day. We sincerely thank every customer that buy a plant from us.